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About Greengold Professional Services Ltd

Greengold Professional Services Ltd is a company registered under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria with its registered address in the FCT.  We believe that Nigeria is a great Nation that has vast potential. We believe in the enterprises and businesses that operate in the Nation as well as those that are yet to kick off. We even believe in the moribund industries; that with the right strategy and approach, they will be revived and contribute enormously not just to the Nigerian economy but to that of Africa at large. Greengold Professional Services Ltd was therefore established to offer professional services to businesses in Nigeria as well as their foreign counterparts in order to position such businesses for success. We offer all the services your company needs from birth to winding up.

Our Motto

The growth of your business is our business

Our Values

Dedication, Passion, Excellence, Inspiration, Team Spirit and Integrity

Our Vision

To engineer the rise of Africa through industrialization and economic growth

Our Mission

To support businesses in Nigeria, revive moribund industries as well as birth new industries towards the attainment of a vibrant economy and the eradication of poverty

Attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Our company is excited to be contributing to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals via our professional services. Below are the goals we are most focusing on

End poverty in all it's form everywhere

It is no longer news that in Nigeria, about 133 million people are multi-dimensionally poor. Globally, working poverty rate rose for the first time in two decades between 2019 and 2020 sending additional 8 million workers into poverty.

Imagine for a moment, businesses in Nigeria have the right financial and management consultation that they need. Imagine restructuring those businesses to boost their performance. Businesses will begin to grow, and workers will begin to rise from poverty to wealth

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Stakeholders in the Nigerian Agrobusiness including farmers have in recent times been accosted with diverse adverse circumstances that have affected yields and production negatively. Even before then, they have been hunger and food insecurity in the land. Those who think they have access to food on a closer look will realise they are faced with poor nutrition. Globally, about 1 in every 10 persons is suffering from sever hunger. 149.2 million children under the age of 5 suffer from stunting due to inadequate feeding. How about the soaring food prices?

There is the urgent need to increase support to Agribusinesses to avert the looming crises.

We take particular interest in companies that are in any way connected to agriculture and food production. We offer financial and management consultancy to such to increase their output thereby contribute in ending hunger and food insecurity.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

The global unemployment rate is 7.11 % with the highest value in Africa. Nigeria’s unemployment rate is about 33%.

We aim that through our consultancy services to businesses, there will be progressive improvement in resource efficiency for production

We align with the above goal to achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors

We also align with the above goal to Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances and, in particular, at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment and achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Most small-scale industries lack access to financial support to metamorphose into big time industries. Only 1 in 3 small manufacturers are benefiting from any form of financial support. The world manufacturing growth is on the decline with little improvement in recent times.

This is why in Greengold Professional Services Ltd, we are passionate about investors all over the world seeing the growth potential in some small-scale industries in Nigeria and investing in them.

Make your Business visible to possible Investors

Do you have an outstanding business idea that needs funding?

Look no further. Here is an opportunity to market your business for possible investment.

Fill the form to get started. Preference will be given to practicable, realistic and convincing proposals

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Looking for a safe place to Invest?

Our investor to business idea connect program seeks to place before investors various great businesses in Nigeria that need financial boost for higher output. The investors are to study the various opportunities and invest in any that interest them.

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