Business Regulatory Compliance

Trademark In Nigeria A Guide On Contesting An Erroneous Refusal Of Your Trademark Registration

Trademark In Nigeria: A Guide On Contesting An Erroneous Refusal Of Your Trademark Registration

Trademark registration is a major aspect of the protection of intellectual property (IP) right. It is a critical aspect of branding and business identity.  It could be a unique symbol, word, phrase, or design that distinguishes one business from another and identifies its products or services. In Nigeria, trademarks are protected under the Trade Marks […]

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The Difference Between Trademark, Patent and Copyright and The Importance Of Each

The Difference Between Trademark, Patent and Copyright and The Importance Of Each

Intellectual property rights are essential for protecting the creations of individuals and organizations. These rights provide legal protection for inventions, literary, and artistic works, and other forms of intellectual property. Intellectual property is protected by the law which enables people to earn recognition or credit for what they invent or create. The importance of these rights

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What You Need To Successfully Bid For Federal Government Contracts In Nigeria

What You Need To Successfully Bid For Federal Government Contracts In Nigeria

Federal government contracts in Nigeria are a very important means of giving life to government manifestos and implementing structural and other forms of development in the Federation. It is also a boost to the economy of the country. These contracts have a huge impact on the economy as they provide jobs to many. The federal

What You Need To Successfully Bid For Federal Government Contracts In Nigeria Read More »

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